General Playhouse Audition Information

Interested in auditioning for a Mansfield Playhouse production? 
Below, we have listed information which may be helpful during the audition process. 

Open auditions for the Mansfield Playhouse are held at 95 E. Third St. Mansfield, Ohio unless otherwise noted.


When you audition for a show at the Playhouse you will be asked to complete an audition form giving us basic information about you. You don’t have to complete it ahead of time, but if you would like to it is available here. Just complete this online, print it, and bring to the audition with you.

Christmas Show & Youth Theater auditions are held at 6:00pm 
All other auditions for Mainstage and Second Stage shows are held at 7:00pm 

Excerpts from the script will be selected for cold reading auditions. The Mansfield Playhouse is, first and foremost, a COMMUNITY theatre.  To us, this means that our talent (as well as our audience members) comes from within the community at large.  We feel that anyone may audition for our productions, regardless of their level of experience on stage. In other words, you may audition at the Playhouse, even if you have never auditioned before.

Some things to be prepared for:
When you first arrive at the Playhouse (on the day of auditions), you will be asked to fill out an audition form.  The form asks for basic information, such as name, address, phone number, height, etc.  There is also a space where you may indicate your previous experience, as well as an area where you must list your possible rehearsal conflicts (times and days during which you may not be available between the date of auditions and performance dates).  Often, it is with this information we develop our rehearsal schedule.  If a list of available characters is provided, refer to the list to see which characters may be within your capabilities, or age range.  Please fill this form out as completely (and honestly) as possible. 

For most Playhouse productions, you will be asked to read from the script.  When reading a scene, you will be asked to go onto the stage and read with others auditioning.  You may be asked to do this more than once. (While the Playhouse does not always have copies of the script available in advance, you can often research the show on your own, so that you are somewhat familiar with the story and its characters.) 

If the production is a musical, and you are auditioning for a singing role, you will be asked to sing a short song, or a section of a song, that you are comfortable with.  While most directors will encourage you to sing any song you choose, some will ask you to sing a song from the show.  If that is the case, that information will be released in advance.   We usually ask that those singing bring with them a CD, or digital copy of the instrumental track- without other voices (phone’s with Bluetooth typically work) to sing with.

If this is not possible, you may often be allowed to sing without accompaniment.  We will sometimes ask for those auditioning to sing an additional song, if we need to hear more, but we will also provide and/or teach you a section of the song we’d like to hear. 

If the production has a children’s chorus, those of the appropriate age may only be asked to sing and not read at all.  In all music auditions, we audition one person at a time, and each person auditions on stage, in front of the others who are auditioning.  Of course, parents (and others) are always welcome to be in the “audience” when their child auditions.   

During the music part of the audition, each person auditioning is asked to go onto the stage, say their name and the name of the song they will be singing. They sing their song, or verse of the song they have chosen.  After they sing, they come off the stage, and may sit to watch the remaining people auditioning if they choose.

If you feel it would be of benefit to you, we sometimes recommend that those interested in auditioning come to watch the first night of auditions–and then return the next night to actually audition.  This works particularly well with children who may be nervous about the “unknown” part of the audition process. Of course, this is not required of anyone.

Following auditions :
The director (or directors), along with members of our casting committee meet to discuss the casting of the production.  Sometimes, casting takes a day or so to complete.  Once the cast list is decided, you may be called by the director or someone else from the theatre.  For larger productions, we often post our cast list in a location easily accessible to the public (ex: on our outside doors). 

Remember that we are interested in having the best possible cast and crew from throughout the area.  This means that we are always looking for people to become a part of our theatre family, whether or not you’ve had any previous involvement with the Mansfield Playhouse.  Of course, you may always call to ask questions before or after the dates of auditions. For more information, please call 419-522-8140 between the hours of 1:00 and 6:00 pm, Wednesdays through Fridays. 

Again, thanks for your interest in YOUR community theatre, the Mansfield Playhouse! We hope to see you at our next audition!


We get questions about what is involved with being in a Youth Production at the Playhouse. Following is a brief Q and A highlighting some to the general information. Each show is unique though and may not follow this exactly.

Q- Is there a specific length of song for auditions?

We don’t have a specific length but roughly 30 seconds to no longer then 2 mins. The casting committee may cut the person off if they feel like they heard enough to determine their vocal range and stage presence.  Backup music can be on CD or streaming, both are available. We just don’t guarantee someone will be at the audition to play the piano as accompaniment.

Q- Should they sing a song from the show they are auditioning for?

Any song is fine. Just a song (or part of one) that shows their vocal range is best. A lot of people tend to audition with a song from the show, which isn’t wrong, but if they hear someone else do a song they are doing, it can sometimes make them more nervous because they might think the other person did it better than them. So a song unique to them and their vocal range is a good choice. The more familiar they are with it the better. 

Q- When do rehearsals start?

Rehearsal will likely start about 6 weeks before the show opens, starting with music rehearsal, then there will be some choreography rehearsals, and at last blocking (stage direction). Once everything begins to come together we try to run through the show completely at all rehearsals so the kids are well prepared ahead of the actual show dates. Based on the role cast they may not need to attend all rehearsals.

Q- When are rehearsals?

Typically we try to do rehearsals Monday thru Thursday evenings from around 6 or 6:30 to 8 or possibly 8:30. We want the kids to get good rest so we don’t like keeping them late. We understand that people will have conflicts and we will ask for those at the audition time. Obviously, we want the actors at rehearsal as much as possible so we do reference these schedule conflicts during casting. ALL performances and the week before the show opens (called tech week) we ask that no one miss rehearsal. 

Q- How old do you have to be to audition?

We don’t have a firm cut off for how young someone can be to audition, we’ve had some as young as 3. But they are a little harder to utilize in a show so typically we recommend 6-18. Because it is a YOUTH show, if they are over 18 we are unable to cast them. 

Q- Does is cost anything to be in a show?

There are no direct expenses for being a part of a show at the Mansfield Playhouse. We are a Community Theater and try to provide all the costume pieces needed but occasionally we may ask performers if they have something at home that would help complete a costume or as a piece they would wear under their main costume. Some parents in that situation may go out to buy something, but not being able to do that wouldn’t prevent them from being in a show. We’d find a way to get it if they can’t. The only other expense would be for tickets to the performance(s). As a Community Theater we keep our ticket prices as low as possible but it doesn’t afford us the ability to offer complimentary tickets to cast members to share with their families.